When, as a company, you set up a marketing campaign, you not only have to send the right message to the right person at the right time. You will also have to do this in the right way! Wherever personal data are involved, the GDPR comes into play. Direct marketing as...
How to… handle a data breach.
Help. A data breach, now what? Whether you work a lot or little with personal data, a data breach can be a real nightmare for you as an entrepreneur if you are not properly prepared. In this blog we will discuss what is expected of you when a data breach occurs, and...
And am I allowed to process these personal data?
Not just like that. You may only process personal data if there is a legal basis for doing so. In privacy jargon, this is called "grounds for lawful processing". Fortunately, there are quite a few grounds for processing. We list them here, and give some explanation on...
GDPR, does that also apply to me? And am I controller, or processor?
When do the rules of the GDPR come into play? That's simple: from the moment personal data are processed. In this blog we will explain what is meant by 'personal data' and 'processing'. After that, we will discuss the two main actors involved in this data processing,...
The use of GDPR. Familiar territory, or quicksand after all?
A new year, and a new topic for our dJtalks contributions! A series of blogs in which we tell you each time a bit more about the infamous GDPR. Because let's face it: which part of our daily lives is not affected by this privacy regulation in one way or another? And...
Big data, big business?
Big data is hot. More and more devices are connected to 'the Internet of Things', giving companies a wealth of valuable information. Although the term 'big data' is relatively new, the collection and storage of large amounts of information for targeted analysis...
Open Data triggers teamwork
In the EU, the public sector is one of the most data-intensive sectors. Open data has gained a lot of recognition in the short term and the number of public datasets has increased significantly over the years. Open data is an important spearhead in the digital...
Big Data in healthcare
Big data has changed the way we manage, analyse and use data. I In the healthcare sector, we have had applications such as health apps, pedometers and other wearables for several years now. They measure our lives, stimulate healthy lifestyle initiatives and warn us...
Rights and obligations for robots?
An artificial personality, able to think and to make decisions. This definition of artificial intelligence makes it difficult to assign an adequate legal qualification to it. What about the attribution of legal responsibility? What about the allocation of liability...
Big Data Blacklisting
How would you feel if big data analytics were to decide on your freedom and your actions? And if these analyses would determine the course of your process? Are we sufficiently aware of the impact this has on an individual's life? Screening Using national security as...