Web Development & Web Design
You are a developer or a creative and have never had a dispute with one of your customers? Congratulations, you belong to the lucky few. But even then it’s better to prevent than to cure. Problems regularly arise around questions such as ‘to whom does intellectual property belong now?’, ‘what should I see as additional work and can I be invoiced for it?’, ‘what should I regard as a finished work?’ and so on. If there are no clear contractual stipulations about this, you end up in a discussion that often only comes to an end when it is too late for both parties.
In addition, it is also important that the content delivered for the websites is legally correct. By default, every website should have a privacy policy, cookie policy and disclaimer to inform visitors in an appropriate and legal manner. Of course, we can also help your customers with our website package that is offered in our shop.
Creative contracts
So always make sure you have a clear agreement with your client before you start an assignment. This will ensure that you are free of worries and that you can start an assignment with peace of mind.
Maybe even better, is to make sure you have a set of general terms and conditions. These can be sent along with your quote and that way every client knows what rules there are for working with your agency. This way you have a number of rules to fall back on and you don’t always have to sit around the table with your client beforehand to discuss a contract. However, our services do not stop there.
Our lawyers will also negotiate with your client if necessary. No aggressive practices, but agreeing on a clear framework in an amicable, convivial atmosphere. Even if things should go wrong, we are there for you as an experienced mediator.
Website package
If you are planning to build a new website for your company, it is important to implement the right legal documents. After all, every company is legally obliged to inform customers when goods or services are offered on the Internet. Even if you do not want to sell anything through your website, but do use cookies or other trackers, you will always have to comply with the privacy legislation.
However, the danger lies in the use of standard texts or copying texts on other sites. Not only will this violate other people’s copyrights, but you also run the risk of the FPS Economy and/or the Data Protection Authority tapping your fingers. Or even worse, that they impose a fine on your company.
deJuristen therefore offers you the solution to have your texts checked and updated in accordance with the applicable legislation.